School Office Hours

Main Office Personnel Contact Information

MAIN OFFICE HOURS: 8:40AM-12:00PM & 1:00 PM-2:00 PM







Arrival Procedures

Pre Kindergarten Arrival Procedures

Drop off at the main doors on 57 Street. Show your Pre K pass and NYCDOE Health Screening once you arrive to the main entry way to any PS 361Q staff member. Students will remain in the cafeteria until the school day begins at 8:20 AM.

Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 Arrival Procedures

Students may enter the school yard located on 57th Street.  Doors open at 8:05 AM and students will remain in the gym until the day begins.  School begins at 8:20 AM. 

Grade4 & Grade 5 Arrival Procedures

Students may enter the building through the Main Entrance located on 57th Street.  Doors open at 8:05 AM and students will remain on the 3rd and 4th floors until the day begins.  School begins at 8:20 AM. 

Late Arrivals Procedures

Students who arrive after 8:30 AM are late. Late students are to be escorted by a parent or designee who will walk the student inside of the school building to the safety desk. The parent or parent designee will sign the student into the late book at the Safety Desk. Late students will be escorted to their classrooms by school personnel.  Make every effort to arrive to school on time each day!

Dismissal Procedures

Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grade 1 Students:

Students will be dismissed into the school yard on 57th Street at 2:30 PM. Students not picked up by 2:40 PM will be taken to the cafeteria for late pick-up.  

Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, and Grade 5 Students:

Students will be dismissed into the school yard on 57th street at 2:35 PM.  Students not picked up by 2:40 PM will be taken to the cafeteria for late pick-up. 

Grade 3, 4, and 5 Walkers

Grade 3, 4 & 5 walkers will be dismissed from the yard by the classroom teacher or another school personnel. All walkers must have a signed permission slip for the school year to leave on their own. Walkers are dismissed through the main entrance on 57th Street. All walkers will need to carry their walking pass in order to leave the school yard. Walking permission slips can be requested in the main office.

Late Pick Ups

Any parent or parent designee who is picking up a late student must have photo identification to enter the building and must be listed on the Blue Emergency Card as authorized for pick up. Any other requests must be made in writing by the parent or guardian. If there are any changes to pick up, please send a note in the morning to the classroom teacher. Verbal requests for changes cannot be accepted.

Window of Security

Arrival- For security reasons, no parents (except Pre-K) will be allowed into the building prior to 8:40 AM. To visit the Main Office, please enter the building through the entrance on 57th Street after 8:40 AM. 

Dismissal- Again, for security reasons, no parents will be allowed into the building after 2:00 pm. If you need to pick up your child earlier than regular dismissal time, please send a written note to your child's classroom teacher or call the Main Office at (718) 592-3300 ext 1153. We ask that you pick up your child before 2:00 pm. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.  

Family Engagement Afternoons

Families are invited to join us on Tuesday afternoon from 2:40 AM-3:10 PM for family engagement.  You can schedule an appointment with your child's teacher by sending a note, an email or speaking to your child's teacher.  

P.S. 361 Q Bell Schedule

Period 1 8:20AM — 9:10AM

Period 2 9:15AM — 10:05AM

Period 3 10:10AM — 11:00AM (Kindergarten)

Period 4 11:05AM — 11:55AM (Pre K, G1, and G4 Lunch)

Period 5 12:00PM — 12:50PM (G2 & G5 Lunch)

Period 6 12:55PM — 1:45PM (G3 Lunch)

Period 7 1:50PM — 2:40PM